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Homeland in Transit: Artists from
Hong Kong, Taipei, and the Diaspora
Vernissage: 14 September 2023
Freiburg Breisgau, DE

-->>Curator's notes 


Hedy Leung
Performance // Performance, Foyer

Isaac Chong Wai, Traces in Silence
Einzelpräsentation // Solopresentation, Galerie I

Winnie Soon, Unerasable Characters II, (2017 - 2020)
Benutzerdefinierte Software Installation // Custom-software installation, Galerie II

Oscar Chan Yik Long, A Horror to the Eyes of all Men Seeking Faith
Ortsspezifische Installation // Site-specific installation, Galerie II

Leung Chi Wo, Only Time Can Tell, 2010
Installation // Installation, Galerie II

Anson Mak, The Black Wall, 2022
Super-8-Film/Video, Farbe, Stereo //  Super 8 film/video, colour, stereo, Galerie II

Angela Su, The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers, 2017
Video // Video, Galerie II

Musquiqui Chihying, The Camera (16), 2016
Video // Video , Galerie II


Hedy Leung
Leung has a holistic approach to the balance of energies between human and nature. In her everyday practice, she explores the healing and revitalizing powers of sound, plants, and sogetsu ikebana.

Isaac Chong Wai
The political and performative qualities of Chong’s artistic practice are incorporated by an interdisciplinary approach, processing the exigency of societal shifts and global phenomena.

Winnie Soon
Soon is an artist coder and researcher interested in the cultural implications of digital infrastructure that addresses wider power asymmetries.

Oscar Chan Yik Long
Chan’s artistic practice focuses on personal experience and explores the conditions of life, how individuals associate themselves with others, fear, mythologies and popular visual culture.

Leung Chi Wo
As a visual artist, Leung combines historical explorations with conceptual investigations in a modern urban setting.

Anson Mak
Moving image and sound artist Anson Mak is interested in urban redevelopment, queer culture and well-being in the forms of experimental ethnography and essay film.

Angela Su
Su explores perception and imagery of the body through metamorphosis, hybridity and transformation. Her research-based projects materialize in drawings, videos, hair embroidery, performative and installation works.

Musquiqui Chihying
The filmmaker and multimedia artist Musquiqui Chihying explores the cultural and social identities constructed through the flow and circulation of audiovisual elements.


Do | Fr 17-20 Uhr
Sa 14-20 Uhr
So 14-18 Uhr


E-WERK Freiburg, Galerie für Gegenwartskunst, Eschholzstr.77, 79106 Freiburg


Do | Fr 17-20 Uhr
Sa 14-20 Uhr
So 14-18 Uhr


Telefon 0761/20 75 70
Telefax 0761/2 07 57 48


E-WERK Freiburg – Sie erreichen uns zu Fuß, mit dem Rad, mit der VAG: Buslinie 14 und 26
Haltestelle Ferdinand-Weiß-Straße.
Mit dem Auto (es gibt nur wenige Parkplätze, Einfahrt Ferdinand-Weiß-Straße)
A5, Abfahrt Freiburg Mitte, Ausfahrt Stühlinger, links in die Eschholzstraße.


// DE

Homeland in Transit ist eine Ausstellungsreihe von Angelika Li. Durch ihren Umzug von Hong Kong nach Basel 2017 begann sie sich mit der komplexen und sich verändernden Natur von „homeland“ auseinanderzusetzen. Die Ausstellungsreihe befasst sich mit unterschiedlichen Narrativen und Aspekten von „homeland“: Mit Grenzen, Geschichte, Erinnerung, kultureller Identität, Diaspora, Vertreibung und darüber hinaus.

// EN

Homeland in Transit is a series of exhibitions by Angelika Li. Through her move from Hong Kong to Basel in 2017, Li began to explore the complex and changing nature of „homeland“. The exhibition series explores different narratives and aspects of „homeland“: with borders, history, memory, cultural identity, diaspora, displacement and beyond.


Anson Mak, The Black Wall, 2022, Filmstill, (c) courtesy the artist.

Bouie Choi 2023
We stay up late to behold
the beauty of the stars

The watery-fall, 2023, acrylic on wood, 40 x 29.4cm (detail)




Stories Exchange Community Event

Bring a postcard of your homeland and share your stories!

Hong Kong artist Bouie Choi believes that landscapes are imbued with memories and histories. As part of her residency with PF25 in Basel from May to June, Bouie is inviting people in Basel to bring a postcard from their homeland to the community project and share the stories they holds with her. This exchange will become part of the inspiration for Bouie’s upcoming exhibition, entitled 'We stay up late to behold the beauty of the stars,' which opens on 13th June. Her exhibition seeks to capture the complexity and emotional resonance between the reality and surreality; visible and invisible; darkness and light, while suggesting the ways she sees that can shape and define our sense of self, community and hope.


Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Doors open: 18h 

Sharing session by the artist: 19h

Venue: Nonnenweg 45, 4055 Basel

Event registration:

We stay up late to behold the beauty of the stars

a solo exhibition by Bouie Choi


Time : Tuesday, 13 June 18-21h

Venue: Pfeffergässlein 25, 4051 Basel, entrance through Nadelberg 33

Event registration: 

Exhibition viewing by appointment only until 30 June: 

Part of the 'Homeland in Transit' exhibition series

and PF25 cultural projects and residency.

The programme is supported by:

Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Christoph Merian Stiftung

mobani GmbH, and Achtsamkeit Basel 

Event East Asian soft drinks and snacks

sponsored by Meow Kong

Programme curator : Angelika Li

Programme coordinator: Celine Ngai

---> Exhibition Info

---> Exhibition Plan

---> Press Enquiry


exhibition documentation by Maris Mezulis

courtesy the artist and PF25 cultural projects

event photos by PF25 cultural projects



St Jakobstrasse 41, 8004 Zurich

Art Week Event

Saturday, 10 June 2023, 18 - 21.30h 

Tashi Brauen  

Oscar Chan Yik Long  

Leung Chi Wo  

Hedy Leung  

Lo Lai Lai Natalie  

Andreas Marti  

Angela Su  

Wai Pong Yu  

Curated by Angelika Li 

Co-presented by Meow Kong and PF25 cultural projects 

as part of the 'Homeland in Transit' series​​

Art Week Event

Saturday, 10 June 2023, 18 - 21.30h 

19 - 19.30h

Sogetsu Ikebana Performance by Hedy Leung

as part of the Art Basel VIP Programme

Hong Kong drinks & snacks

To register:


Saturday 13 May 2023, 14-20h​


16 May - 18 June

Tue - Sat, Sun 11 & 18 June, 11 - 19h 



Meow Kong

St Jakobstrasse 41, 8004 Zurich 

+41 79 264 90 00 

Press Enquiries 

+41 76 781 76 78 

Click to Press Folder

About the Exhibition 

Meow Kong and PF25 cultural projects are delighted to present ‘Random Diaries’, the first chapter of  the ‘Homeland in Transit’ exhibition series to be showcased in Zurich. Opening on 13 May to 18 June 2023, this chapter features recent works created from 2019 to the present by eight Hong  Kong and Swiss artists including experimental works on paper by Tashi Brauen; ink on canvas by Oscar Chan Yik Long; moving images by Leung Chi Wo, Lo Lai Lai Natalie, and Angela Su; wearable objects by Andreas Marti; ink on paper by Wai Pong Yu; and a newly commissioned Sogetsu Ikebana installation by Hedy Leung.

Interweaving a diverse range of mediums and techniques including paintings, video works, wearable objects, works on paper and a sogetsu ikebana installation, 'Random Diaries' unveils the artists'  kaleidoscope of memories, emotions and consciousness, reflecting their 'mind's eye' observations of the environs in constant states of flux. Amid the current global instability, this exhibition chapter highlights the concept of collective and individual memories, the notion of transience and resilience, and evokes a sense of chance and risk-taking. It leaves us wondering: where will these transformations lead us?

---> Curatorial Essay by Angelika Li

---> List of Work

---> Artists Biographies

---> Press Enquiry


Cold Fire by Lo Lai Lai Natalie
Leung Chi Wo Random Diary
Wai Pong Yu a moment of truth 56 2019 archival ballpoint pen on paper 29
Wai Pong Yu a moment of truth 55 2019 archival ballpoint pen on paper 29
Oscar Chan Yik Long Let’s see how long we can stay silent  2022 Chinese ink on canvas 50 x
Angela Su This is not a game 2021 Single-channel video, 11 mins 16 secs
Andreas Marti The Forecast is Gloomy,  But Not Yet Confirmed_ 2020 Laundry bag fabric edit
Hedy Leung 202200080026 2023 Sogetsu Ikebana Installation Mixed media size variable
Oscar Chan Yik Long I look at the sky, but does it look at me also_ 2022 Chinese ink on ca
Oscar Chan Yik Long Does it count as being socialised if I communicate with myself_ 2022 C
Hedy 1
Tashi Brauen Cracks 2020 Acrylic paint on cardboard 160 x 120 cm
Tashi Brauen  Figuration a 2022 Acrylic paint on cardboard 50 x 37
Random diaries


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